- Started from the basics of how to install SQL Server 2008,
- How to Open the same,
- What is the Use of it.
- Explained the Interface of SQL Server Management Studio
- Started with SQL Queries Syntax. ( I took the reference from w3schools.com for the same)
I was able to cover up to the following topics yesterday :
SQL Basic
SQL Syntax
SQL Select
SQL Distinct
SQL Where
SQL And & Or
SQL Order By
SQL Insert
SQL Update
SQL Delete
SQL Advanced
SQL Wildcards
SQL Between
SQL Alias
SQL Joins
SQL Inner Join
SQL Left Join
SQL Right Join
SQL Full Join
SQL Union
Still there are more topics to cover. Enough time was not there yesterday. So would take up a Part-2 soon on this.
Got a fan for my session yesterday. Her name is Lisha and she is from US.
Hyderabadtechies owner chandu asked her also to join with me to take the second part of my SQL session.
So got a team member to offload my work ;)
Tonight @ 9PM stay tuned to hyderabadtechies to listen to my C# Session :
Here is the meeting URL :
For more details on how to install live meeting and how to join the sessions, Read my previous blog posts.